
Beat the Heat: Protecting Yourself and Your Skin in the Texas Sun

Written by Ashlee (Nikki) Nejtek | Jul 3, 2024 5:37:12 PM


Summer is finally here, which means temperatures are going to soar even higher than usual. Here in Austin, we can expect temperatures as high as the 90s-100s. Lovely. Heat injuries are a big concern down here, especially for children, older people, and new arrivals who are not yet fully acclimatized to the Texan weather. Our daily lives don’t stop for the heat, so we must play it safe and protect ourselves.

What Heat Injuries Should I Be Concerned About?

In 2022, 279 Texan residents died from exposure to “excessive natural heat.” The majority of the deaths occurred in July and August, but some deaths were recorded in winter months too. Common heat injuries and illnesses include:

  • Heat stroke
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Heat cramps
  • Fainting
  • Heat rash
  • Heat edema
  • Heat tetany

Anyone living in a hot climate has a risk of developing one of these conditions. The risks are higher for people who are not used to the climate and people who have underlying medical conditions, as well as children and the elderly.

Prevention Is Better Than a Cure!

Treatments are available for people suffering from a heat illness, but you should aim to protect yourself and not become sick in the first place. Common sense is the key to keeping yourself safe and healthy during periods of extreme heat. Other steps include:

  • Drinking water, even when you are not thirsty
  • If outdoors, take frequent rests in a shaded area
  • Wear a hat, preferably a wide-brimmed hat in a pale color
  • Wear light-colored clothes
  • Wear sunscreen and reapply it regularly
  • Try to avoid the sun between 10 am and 2 pm
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Turn on the A/C if you are driving
  • Stay cool by taking a cool shower or going for a dip in an indoor pool

Recognize the Symptoms of Heat Injury and Illness

Accidents happen, so even people taking all the right precautions may still be struck down with a heat injury or illness. Identifying the symptoms early will allow you to seek help quickly if you become sick. Symptoms can vary from illness to illness, but common symptoms are:

  • Dark-colored urine
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Lethargy
  • Nausea and/or vomiting and diarrhea
  • Muscle and stomach cramps
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Flushed skin
  • Increased body temperature
  • Sweats with clammy skin
  • Convulsions
  • Shortness of breath

If you or someone you are with experiences any of these symptoms while in the heat, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Children & Heat

Children’s little bodies put them at an increased risk of developing a heat injury. Heat cramps are particularly common in kids. The same prevention methods and symptoms apply to children. However, a child may not realize how ill they are, so it’s the responsibility of grown-ups to look out for signs of heat illness. You can provide kids with some extra protection by:

  • Placing a cool damp cloth on their skin
  • Giving them fluids that contain salt and sugar, e.g., sports drinks
  • Teaching them to be sun-smart and stay indoors or in the shade during peak sunshine and heat hours
  • Reminding them to drink water even when they are not thirsty

The Elderly & Heat

Older people have an increased risk of developing a heat illness due to other medical issues they may have. Heart and blood pressure medications or low-sodium diets can be contributing factors to heat illnesses. Normal aging also causes changes to the skin, sweat glands, and circulatory system, which means older people are physically less capable of dealing with extreme heat. The same preventative measures work for the elderly too. Heat stroke is the heat illness most commonly suffered by the elderly, so keep an eye on any seniors in your life this summer.

The Family Pet & Heat

We shouldn’t forget about Fluffy the cat or Oscar the puppy during the summer months. Pets can also fall victim to excessive heat, but they respond to heat differently than humans. Try to limit exercise during hot days. Fans and air conditioners are not very effective in keeping animals cool, so make sure your pet has somewhere shady to rest and leave plenty of water and ice cubes around for the animal. And, of course, never leave a pet in a parked car with the windows closed during a heat wave.

Have fun in the sun this summer, but remember to stay safe! We want you to enjoy as much of the summer as possible.

Keeping Your Skin Healthy in the Texan Sun

It’s nearly impossible to avoid the sun in Texas, especially during the summer months. Most of us are fairly aware of the damage the sun can do to our skin and the illnesses it can cause. However, even the best of us can become a little complacent or lazy and forget to follow all the necessary steps to keep skin healthy in the Texan sun. Here’s a refresher course on what you should be doing!

Why is the Sun So Dangerous?

The sun emits ultraviolet rays, which cause tanning as well as burning, cancer, and other forms of skin damage. These rays are what make the sun so dangerous to humans. Ultraviolet rays are present all year round and not just during the summer months when the sun is at its strongest. This is why sun protection should be worn all year long. There are different types of ultraviolet rays with varying degrees of intensity. Some are present throughout the year, though they are generally at their strongest during the summer.

Does Any Good Come From the Sun?

Some good does come from the sun. People need the sun to generate vitamin D, which is necessary for good health. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to bone disease, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, certain cancers, and other diseases. Depending on your skin color, just 10 to 30 minutes of direct sun exposure to your skin can boost your vitamin D levels.

What Harm Does the Sun Do to Our Skin?

Skin cancer is the most obvious form of skin damage caused by the sun. It is also the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Each year, about 3.5 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin cancer are diagnosed. 73,000 cases of the more serious form of skin cancer, melanoma, are also diagnosed. Skin cancer is directly linked to too much exposure to ultraviolet rays. These cancers generally develop on the parts of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the hands, the face, ears, and the neck.

The sun also causes other forms of skin damage, some of which can be quite serious. The sun damages the skin’s immune function and destroys collagen and elastic tissues in the skin. This can lead to:

  • Premature aging
  • Wrinkles
  • Uneven or mottled skin pigmentation
  • Sagging skin
  • Reddening of the skin caused by dilated blood vessels

These forms of skin damage will usually appear after years of unprotected sun exposure. Sunburn is a more immediate form of skin damage that can appear after only a short period of time in the sun. Sunburn is a common occurrence - try as we may, some of us just can’t avoid it - but it can be a precursor for more serious forms of skin damage caused by the sun.

Eyes can also be damaged by too much unprotected exposure to the sun. Cancer can form on the eyelids or in the eye itself. The sun can also cause cataracts, macular degeneration (eyesight that becomes weaker over time), and sunburn on the cornea.

Are All Skin Types Vulnerable?

All Texans need to worry about keeping their skin healthy in the sun. People of any skin color can be affected by skin cancer and other forms of sun-caused skin damage. However, people with pale or light skin are more vulnerable than people with darker skin. Freckled people and people with blue or green eyes and blonde, red, or light brown hair should be most vigilant when in the sun.

Skin color is not the only risk factor. People with impaired immune systems or those who have had an organ transplant are also at high risk for skin damage caused by the sun. Genetics and family history also play a role.

How to Stay Safe!

There are some very simple steps you can take all year long to keep your skin healthy in the sun:

  • Apply sunblock liberally and reapply throughout the day. Factor 30 is recommended for children and people with pale or fair skin. Remember to cover everywhere: eyelids, ears, nose, hands, and feet if you are barefoot.
  • Wear a lip balm that contains SPF (sun protection factor).
  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Wear a light-colored wide-brimmed or peaked hat.
  • Wear light-colored clothes. Dark clothes attract more sun than light clothes.
  • Carry a parasol or try to stay in shaded areas.
  • If you do get burned, apply aloe vera and a cool damp cloth to the affected areas. Don’t burst any blisters that may form.
  • Try to stay out of the sun between 10 am and 4 pm. This is when the sun is at its strongest.
  • Keep an eye on freckles or moles. If a mole starts to bleed, itch, ooze, or change shape, consult a doctor immediately as this can be a symptom of skin cancer.

Stay safe and enjoy the summer! Check out our other blog posts on Hydration and Cancer Prevention at